Friday, October 21, 2016


Kalau bicara soal keindahan Raja Ampat…..ngga akan ada habisnya… Incredible…magnificent….!!!!! Jujur, kalau jatuh cinta sama pemandangan disini… Padahal gw belum bisa diving (gimana kalo udah bisa ya…mungkin jadi ngga mau pulang ;D….)

Keindahan Raja Ampat tuh bukan tanpa sebab. Pernah ngga sih nanya kenapa wilayah sekitar Raja Ampat pecah dalam bentuk pulau-pulau? Kenapa bentuk pecahan pulaunya unik, ngga kayak di sekitaran Jawa atau Sumatra? Kenapa air di sekitar pulaunya warnanya bisa tosca, ngga langsung biru? Kenapa ikan-ikannya warna-warni dan ngga takut sama penduduk local? Kenapa ikannya beragam banget? Kenapa…kenapa…kenapa….. (lebayyyy….)

Yang mengakui keindahan Raja Ampat bukan Cuma kita lho… Turis-turis dari mancanegara, terutama para divers, matanya bisa berbinar-binar bahagia kalau dapat tiket emas ke Raja Ampat. Ngga percaya??? Ini buktinya…

Selama di Raja Ampat, gw berkesempatan ketemu dengan seorang berkebangsaan Turki bernama Tunc. Beliau adalah seorang….seorang apa ya…nyebutnya??? Mmmm….dia divers…dia juga penulis untuk suatu majalah…dia juga punya travel agent….dan saat ke Raja Ampat, dia jatuh cinta setengah mati sampe akhirnya bikin resort disana… Mari kita sebut saja dia Tunc si pengusaha.
Bicara soal resort, penginapan milik Tunc ini emang kelasnya yahutttt… namanya Papua Explorers resort. Berlokasi di Kampung Yenwaupnor, Kec. Meos Mansar, kebanyakan pelanggan PE resort ini adalah turis asing. Biaya penginapannya….ehmmm...sekitar 1700-4000 euro untuk 1-3 minggu (uhuk…uhukk…tiba-tiba pengen batukk…)

Jadi penasaran kan sama PE resort…^^ … Jujur,,,bahan bangunannya sama kok dengan resort-resort di Raja Ampat pada umumnya..ala eco property gitu deh.. cinta lingkungan banget pokoknya. Lah trus..kok? Nahh..di resort ini yang membedakan adalah fasilitasnya. Listriknya menyala 24 jam (sebagian resort hanya menyalakan listrik setengah hari, karena biaya BBM yang mahal), ada wifi, dan toilet (per kamar) yang de-desain seperti toilet di hotel. Yahh…ada harga, ada barang…
Tapi hal yang saya respect dari bule yang satu ini, Tunc itu juga mencintai lingkungan. Dia sempat cerita saat pertama kali usaha resort nya dibuka, terumbu karang di sekitarnya banyak yang rusak dan mati. Karena apa? Karena sebagian nelayan dan penduduk local yang sembarangan cara menangkap ikannya. Sejak itu dia (dan penduduk local tentunya) komitmen untuk memperbaiki terumbu karang dan ngga menginjak-injak sembarangan di area terumbu karang itu. Dan hasilnya….emang terlihat, di hari saya berjumpa dengan Tunc untuk wawancara.

Ini dia pembicaraan saya dengan Tunc si pengusaha:

When do you know about Raja Ampat? Who told you about that?

I had a travel agency in Istanbul, It was already a long time ago in 1996. I used to bring people diving all around the world. Phillipines, Malaysia, Indonesia.

You’re a diver also?

We’re also diver. In 2008, we decided to come to Raja Ampat. It was the first time coming to Raja Ampat. We heard a lot about it in four magazines,

What kind of news?

A very nice one. It was like Marine    Biodiversity Hotspot of the world, and the best corals you can encounter in the world. We heard those things and we decided to come here to have a look at it.

And what did you get?

As I said I have dived a lot of places in the world including Komodo, Bali, Manado. All the area I can say the first moment had into water unbelievable. Amazing.

What is the different that you get in Raja Ampat that you cannot get in other place?

Lots of species. Lots of corals. Lots of fish. All of them together. Corals are like the carpet underwater. And fishes are like we call the dive site sardines that so dense as they are in a can of sardines.

Is that a thing that make you’re just like people that alcoholic. Just like want to take alcohol more and more. Is that Raja Ampat make you just like that?

It makes you want to dive more and more. You want to dive all the sites. Explore them. As you know that a lot of sites which are unexplored. Especially North Raja Ampat. So we are looking forward to have some good once there.

Is that why you have resort now here?

Yes off course. We always want to do something in South East Asia. Especially Indonesia, because Indonesian people, they always have special place in my heart. Because friendliness. Always the big smile, very kind people and I want to do something in Indonesia. A lot of places already have a lot of resorts. Then you come here, you meet Papuan people, you meet Indonesian people, and there also very kind and then you say ‘I need to do something’. That’s all the project started actually.

And I just like a small village actually. And you used the resort just like. All the leaves, all the wood. Why don’t you make just like a big hotel here?

First of all, off course we wanted to be a sustainable resort. Eco friendly resort. It isnt enough just to write ‘eco’ in your name. you also have to act like ‘eco’. So, using natural things like woods, leaves and things like that, … if the resort is not used, they’ll be composed easier, instead of having big one or something like that here.

When people know about Raja Ampat, and people just like you. They want to know and then they’re getting interested in, and their friends and some of people or maybe crowded people want to go here,. What is the most scariest thing or maybe the worst thing that can happen in this place?

Everybody has to take care of surrounding of Raja Ampat especially the corals and the fish. So we shouldn’t be … the environment. The most inportanht thing is sampah. Sampah issue. Never throw something into the water, and also we have tempat sampah. We can throw them in. the second thing is the corals. If we touch them a little bit they could be die. Never walk on top of them, never stand on them with shoes or feet, which can hurt you and also the corals can die because of that. And off course no … fishing. If we want to keep the corals here keep healthy and alive, and making people more and more coming here from outside, in indonesia also from inside indonesia and other countries coming in here. We need to keep this place alive. I always say Indonesia has so many tourism resources. 17500 islands, they can live easily on the money of the tourist coming in. just take care of the environment very good, keep it conserved, they can earn a lot of  money of it. And more and more tourists coming. If we keep it like this.

Do you think Papuanese or maybe Raja Ampat citizens have educated enough about that?

They already have lots of projects here. Like the Kalabia Boat and surely they have heard about it educating local people about the environment. I think they’re targetting about this. Also we, the resort we need to continue with that education.

So we let local people know how important this  to save the environment. Because then they can see more tourist coming and we able to work in tourism ya and earn more money income for their family. It’s better than just going fishing out of the water it’s better having work for lifetime  in tourism business.

Some of foreign investors, just like to give their money to invest their money in Indonesia. But they used to say that local people just like strange and foreign people, they don’t like to meet the other people and just like, we call it corrupt. Take illegal money just like that in some places. How do you think in Raja Ampat? Is that difficult for you to make investment?

I think from the beginning, the first moment I said into … I was always helped to find the right place to the investment I think I feel very confident and safe here. Also with the local people also with the local government. We’re saved here. I don’t have any problem. And till then, since the first day. Off course you heard things and you’re scared. None of them. All of them support tourism here, especially Raja Ampat. And I must say, I didn’t work with other local government but I I work with Raja Ampat local government. Bagus sekali.

And some of local investors just like investing it, but when they postpone and they just like. All the things that we want to get with the high price.

It’s not easy off course. If you’re investing you must be invested. Now when I came here, I’ve always seen other resorts. I thought Raja Ampat deserves better. ………… because Raja Ampat deserves a hotel like this. And I hope for the later investors come here, they don’t just invest a little, big, nice, and also sustainable.

Do you have any a testimony or maybe a suggestion for tourists or maybe local people, I mean indonesian tourists that want to come to Raja Ampat

They definhitely want to come because it’s a special place of their country. They should meet the local Papuan people, they’re incredibly nice, welcoming, also very shy people. It’s very nice to interact with them, and we already became big family. But when they come here, every tourist has to be aware that this very pristine. So they have to bear in mind, how they can protect this. So if they can see trash, sampah which doesn’t even belong to them, just take it and throw them to tempat sampah. After that try to protect the reefs, not to walk on them. Swim on top of them, … and see whats going on. Try to take a lot of pictures, show people more and more so they get knowledge about Raja Ampat. And thjey come here more but still, very protective about the environment.

Raja Ampat, get more attention from people around the world is beginning from actually from the NGOs, some divers that know about Raja Ampat. And the local government knows about that, and at the last is the government of Indonesia. And I think not all of the area in Papua, get attention just like Raja Ampat. What do you think about that?

Well I must confess that the rest of Papua is as pristine as Raja Ampat. And also needs the attention from the whole world. And the central govenrment also of the tourism. Not to forget the Cendrawasih have the whale sharks the local whale sharks. The world is looking at them. The tourist would also go over there. So we have to take care of this also. Not only Raja Ampat. It’s actually every part of Indonesia which is under attention of tourists. We need to take care of all the area, not only Raja Ampat.  

sumber foto: Lori dan Pak Christofel

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Sore yang biasa….duduk di meja sambil ngetik-ngetik produksi buat berita siaran ntar malam. Tiba-tiba sebuah pesan masuk di Whatsapp. Siapa nih? Kok yang muncul nomor yang ngga dikenal. Diabaikan….
Ngga lama, dari ini nomor masuk belasan gambar. Ehh…gambar apa ya?? Jadi penasaran…. Ketikan beritanya ditinggal dulu.
Pas dibuka, yang nongol gambar-gambar pemandangan super kereeeennnn……… dan kayaknya familiar banget……Raja Ampat..!!!!! oh, man….

Langsung berusaha mengusut siapa ini orang yang punya gambar. Setelah sapa-menyapa dengan yang punya nomor, bikin surprise juga. Ternyata ini adalah Pak Christofel. Beliau adalah salah satu anggota TNI AL yang bertugas di Raja Ampat. Pertama ketemu Pak Christofel itu tahun 2014 kalo ngga salah. Waktu itu emang sengaja wawancara Pak Chris untuk topik liputan illegal fishing. (dan setelah gw ulik-ulik, gw baru sadar bahwa blog gw belum memuat tulisan Raja Ampat sampe hari ini…argghhh…bagaimana mungkinnn…??!!!!)

Pak Christofel menanyakan kabar saya dan menceritakan sedikit soal Pianemo. Pulau ini memang tidak sempat saya ulik lebih dalam selama saya liputan di Raja Ampat (maklumlah….liputan gw bukan ala-ala travelling disana). Pianemo cuma sempat saya lintasi saat berkeliling mencari stok gambar kala itu.

“Kapan main ke Raja Ampat lagi? Nanti nginep di Pianemo homestay…”, kira-kira begitu bunyi pesannya. Duhh…..seandainya janjian pergi ke Raja Ampat itu seperti janjian pergi ke Jogja ya…

Pianemo Homestay adalah salah satu penginapan yang recommended klo pergi travelling ke Raja Ampat. Alasannya??? Buanyaaakkk….
Pertama, nuansanya alami banget. Ruang-ruangnya bagaikan rumah-rumah kecil yang sambung-menyambung. Terbuat dari susunan kayu beratapkan daun nipah. Bikin sejuk kalo siang hari…apalagi klo sambil minum Coca-Cola (upppsss..). Kedua, penginapan ini terletak di atas laut. Mau renang, tinggal nyemplung. Ngga bisa renang, tinggal celupin kaki ke air berwarna hijau tosca…pasti langsung dikerubungin ikan warna-warni. Cukup duduk-duduk di teras penginapan, kita bisa menerawang air, melihat terumbu karang. Pokoknya betah banget…apalagi kalua sambal gitaran dan makan gorengan (aaahhhhh…jadi pengen, khannn…)

Pokoknya asikk banget, karena di sudut air mana pun di Raja Ampat, kamu bakal merasa menjadi salah satu bagian dari alam (klo di Jakarta, manusia sama kucing bisa tatap-tatapan nunjukin perbedaan kasta dan spesies).

Pianemo Homestay ini ada dermaganya. Jadi klo kamu datang naik speedboat dari Waisai (ibukota), ngga bakal repot buat sandar. Lagian homestay ini sudah biasa jadi tempat mampir wisatawan untuk sekedar makan siang, ke toilet, atau melepas lelah

Alasan yang ke sekian untuk rekomendasiin Pianemo Homestay: harga penginapannya ngga terhitung mahal. Ngga tau sih persisnya berapa, Cuma penginapan warga sini rata-rata Rp 300,000 – Rp. 500,000 per malam. Biasanya sih udah digabung dalam bentuk paket wisata gitu sama travel-travel agent, dengan biaya perjalanan bisa di bawah Rp 5,000,000 (coba rajin browsing, pasti dapat deh). Ini penting banget buat kita yang sampe ngidam (kebawa mimpi segala…) ke Raja Ampat, tapi tau punya kocek terbatas. Sampe Raja Ampat tapi cuma berputar di Waisai??? O…mannn…sayang banget…. Klo ngerasa rugi karena belum punya license diving gimana??? Nahhh..ini dia enaknya ke Pianemo….

Pernah denger ngga, klo Pianemo itu sering disebut “Wayag Kecil”. Secara Wayag nan super duper indah itu letaknya jauh banget (and it takes a lot of money also..), kamu bisa melihat versi mini nya di Pianemo ini. So…u don’t have to dive to see beautiful scenery. Malah bisa rombongan sama keluarga atau teman-teman.

Di Pulau Pianemo, ada tiga bukit yang biasa dijadikan jalur trek; masing-masing ketinggian 15 meter (bukit Bintang), 30 meter (bukit Gundul), dan 40 meter. Yang laris emang yang bukit Bintang dan bukit Gundul.

Cukup berbekal botol air dan kamera (yahh…smartphone juga boleh deh), kita bakal mendaki ratusan anak tangga dari kayu. Hehehehhe….emang main fisik sihhhh…Cuma kalau sudah sampai di atas bukit….beghhhhh….
Gugusan bukit karang (karst) membentang kokoh di atas lautan Raja Ampat. Hijaunya pepohonan yang tumbuh di atas karst dipadupadankan dengan hamparan birunya laut yang nampak bergradasi warna…..(ahh…membuat tulisan ini tiba-tiba seperti berasa balik ke Raja Ampat

Pulang ke penginapan, bisa nyemplung-nyemplung ke air lagi….atau sibuk mindahin foto-foto yang diambil di puncak bukit sambal ngemil-ngemil cantik. Malamnya, kita bisa makan ikan yang enak sambil memandang langit bertaburan bintang. Ahhh...... Pokoknya , menginap dengan harga ekonomis, tapi berasa punya pulau pribadi …hahahahahha….

Ok..ok..cukupppp…yang nulis bahkan sudah ngga tahan pengen booking tiket (kalau bukan terhalang sama cuti yang ngga available sampai akhir tahun ). One thing I know…klo sudah sekali menginjakkan kaki kesana, emang selalu pengen balikkkkk…..

P.S: yang nyari informasi buat nginep di Pianemo Homestay tanpa gabung paket dengan travel, silakan cek di link ini:

sumber foto: Pak Christofel